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"Maximum Emotional Potential": 影片

This micro-film is actually a response to the research on Chinese room. And the main question discussed in this microfilm is "Dose AI generate emotions"

● To suggest that AI are still yet to develop the qualities that control the emotions like a human 
● To show less possibility for AI to develop their emotion processing skills in the near future 
● To propose that AI still have many technical problems and are easy to manipulate once they have emotional feelings 

To solve the question regarding AI and its ability to process emotions, we are going to use video and utilise design techniques in order to create and give the viewer our interpretation regarding the issue. 
Researching the thought experiment, we further look into studies that discuss the notion of AI and the potential level of intelligence it may have. Next, we try to create an argument that supports the idea that AI may one day soon be able to show signs of consciousness, which mostly involves a current missing yet important component that is emotions. The prototype will feature both emotional and intellectual components. 
In our film, we must first establish both human and AI characters in order to accurately depict expressed emotions. A secondary but important element within the prototype story is a twist at the end which will explain the motives behind the actions within the film. VFX created in a premier pro will be used to reinforce not only the setting but also identity and understanding the AI and their motives. 

"Maximum Emotional Potential": 文字
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"Maximum Emotional Potential": 圖片


Larry Hause Alma College U. S. A. (Chinese Room Argument) 

John Searle (1980), “Minds, Brains and Programs” 

Alan Turing (1950) “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” 

Jurgen Schmidhuber (2014) “Deep Learning in Neural Networks” 

Nils Nelisson (1984) “A short rebuttal to Searle” Nils/searle.pdf 

John Searle (1990) “Is the Brain a Digital Computer?” il554_files/SEARLE-BDC.HTM 

Hubert Dreyfus (1979) “What Computers Still Cant Do” 

A.P Saygin, I. Cicekli, V.Arkman (2000) “The Turing test 50 years later” 

JPaul Cohen (2006) “If Not Turings Test, Then What?” 

Huma Shah, Kevin Warwick (2009) “Emotion in the Turing Test: A Downward Trend for Machines in Recent Loebner Prizes” ard_trend_for_machines_in_recent_Loebner_Prizes_for_Artificial_Intelligence 

"Maximum Emotional Potential": 文字
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